Otto West is an American who presumely was an orphan or badly treated child born on the 24 October 1947. He fancies himself an intellectual but, as most of the other characters keep pointing out, is really stupid. His concentration span is short, often leading him to say what was the middle bit? He is a lying, jealous, dimwitted and short-tempered ... Show more »
Otto West is an American who presumely was an orphan or badly treated child born on the 24 October 1947. He fancies himself an intellectual but, as most of the other characters keep pointing out, is really stupid. His concentration span is short, often leading him to say what was the middle bit? He is a lying, jealous, dimwitted and short-tempered person who hates to apologize. He's a proud American: We didn't lose Vietnam. It was a tie. He's a hitman who conducts violent behaviour, such as holding Archie out a high building window and torturing Ken by sticking chips up his nose and placing a apple in his mouth whist eating Ken's live fish . He's an excellent voice impersonator, most notably English, German and Italian accents, though he's only good at the accent; he merely says random tourist book words and phrases. He decieves Archie, George and Ken that he's Wanda's brother and also Ken that he's gay. He claims that he killed people for the CIA. This is doubtful, given his stupidity yet possible with his fantastic aim with weapons such as crossbows, knifes, handguns and he is probably excellent with a sword. He doesn't trust people, including his girlfriend Wanda. He reads philosophy and is a big fan of Friedrich Nietzsche. He despises and ridicules the English by refering them as Limeys and so polite when it comes to robbing them Talking to a lot of snotty, stuck up, intellectual British faggots. He also likes to brag about America saving England from World War II. It is unknown how long he's been in England, but it's longer than two weeks before the events in this film began. He usually wears a dark trenchcoat with all dark chlothes. He survives been rolled over by a steamroller in wet cement. He's also fond of refering people as assholes. In the deleted scenes a few more interesting facts about Otto are revealed such as his secret hobby which involves shooting cats tails off and keeping the tails. His nihilstic nature is seen more as it is revealed that he carries a grenade with him and is not afraid to release the safety pin. Show less «
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