Marcy (last name unknown) is one of the five college students upon whom the movie Cabin Fever was focused. She is very physically attractive and seems to be in her early twenties. She is the second major character that appears in the movie and the first of the college students. Marcy is a very high spirited young woman. All during the trip to the t... Show more »
Marcy (last name unknown) is one of the five college students upon whom the movie Cabin Fever was focused. She is very physically attractive and seems to be in her early twenties. She is the second major character that appears in the movie and the first of the college students. Marcy is a very high spirited young woman. All during the trip to the titular cabin she seems to be the most excited of the group about the vacation. She is a smoker.She has been in a relationship with Jeff (another one of the students) for a indeterminate length of time enough to go away on vacation with him. She and Jeff are very close and very affectionate with each other, until their fall break vacation takes a violent turn. She is also a close friend of Karen.From what we see of her in Cabin Fever , Marcy is a kind-natured, if easilly intimidated woman. When the group was confronted by the gruesomely ill hermit, Marcy went to get him a blanket. Only after the hermit attempted to steal the groups pickup truck did Marcy join her friends in a defensive stance against him. When the hermit began to stagger towards her, Marcy warned him repeatedly to stay away, and when he did not, sprayed him in the eyes with an aerosol (presumably fly spray) shed grabbed from the kitchen. When the group is preparing to leave, Marcy is adamant that they report the fact that they set the hermit on fire (in defense of their vehicle) to the authorities.Later, when Karen becomes ill, Marcy brings Karen some food while she is quarantined in the tool shed. She is also one of the only two people (along with Paul) brave enough to carry Karen to the pickup truck when she becomes too ill to walk herself.Marcy appears to have somewhat of a mother-hen personality. When the group is worrying about their own possible contamination, Marcy takes it upon herself to cook everyone dinner.Marcy appears to have been the third of the college students to be infected with the virus (after Karen and Bert), and the fourth known human to get the disease overall. She is certainly third of the group to show symptoms. It is implied that she contracted the virus from drinking water, or a water-based drink. However, she also indicates at one point that she is about to have an (off camera) bath. It is possible that her contamination occurred from her exposure to contaminated bathwater.One of Marcy's most prominent traits is her very strong libido. During the few days in which Cabin Fever takes place, Marcy takes two different lovers. She is called a slut by Bert, indicating that she is notorious for having had many sexual partners. It is unknown whether, before the events of Cabin Fever, she has ever taken another lover during her relationship with Jeff, although her behaviour suggests she does not have a die-hard aversion to the idea.Upon arriving at their holiday cabin, one of the first things Marcy does is go to the bedroom with her boyfriend, Jeff, and have sex. Although she has a voracious sexual apetite, Marcy is also a selfless lover, as (during her first sex scene) she rolls on to her lovers back before she climaxes, and begins to pleasure him from behind. However, an alternate explanation for this is that Marcy and Jeff practice the withdrawal method as a means of contraception, as it is later revealed that they do not use condoms.Her actions in the second half of the movie suggest that Marcy may be a nymphomaniac. By this point, Karen is so ill that she has lapsed in to unconciousness, Bert is symptomatic and has impatiently taken off with their only means of transport (hurrying to a hospital), and Jeff has abandoned the group out of fears for his own health. Marcy has been left alone with Paul. She is sitting on her bed, lamenting their plight when Paul comes in to comfort her. Seeming resigned to the fact that she is about to die, Marcy desides to spend her last moments of life having sex. As there is no other men around, Marcy seduces Paul (whom, up until now, she was only casual friends with) by convincing him that he is likewise inescapably doomed. After they quickly undress, Marcy takes a dominant role over reluctant Paul, throwing him insistantly on to the bed, and riding him incessantly. Marcys need to use sex as a means of relieving tension suggests that she has a strong sex addiction. This is doubly evident by the fact that she is not detered by the absence of protection in the encounter, despite the deadly virus going around. Paul is surprised to find that Marcy does not use condoms and she simply brushes him off by assuring him (untruthfully) that she is healthy. It is probable that Marcy did, in fact, infect Paul by having unprotected sex with him.A possible underlying reason for her desire to have sex with Paul might be revenge; her boyfriend had just abandoned her, leaving her to face the scary situation alone, and so Marcy subconciously lashed out at him by cheating on him at the earliest opportunity. It is clear that she has little, if any, genuine interest in Paul. Judging by the orientation of her head in the various angles their sex scene is shown in, she does not look at him very often during the encounter, in the earlier part she is either looking away, or closing her eyes, in the latter, she seems to be staring out the window. This lack of intimate eye contact implies that she regards Paul more of a sexual object, rather than a partner, in this encounter.Shortly after the pair had had sex, Marcy noticed red marks upon her back (which had actually appeared during the encounter). These were the first symptoms she showed of having the disease. At the time, though, she blamed the marks on Paul being a rough lover, and even chided him for it, though she seemed to silently fear the worst.After Paul went off to find help, leaving her alone in the cabin, Marcy decided to take another bath. During this bath, the red marks she had noticed earlier became scabby craters in her back. While in the bath, she decides to shave her legs. Cerina Vincent has stated in an interview that the reason for this was twofold; Firstly, bathing/shaving is something people do to make themselves feel better, when their feeling bad. Secondly, she felt dirty from her impromtu sex with Paul, and needed to cleanse herself of it.By now, the disease has severly taken hold of her body and som of her flesh is heavilly decayed. So much so that as she shaves one of her legs, large chunks of it's flesh peels off. Marcy leapt out of the bath in fear, now bleeding profusely from the back and legs. For some reason, the progression of Marcys disease seems to have been much faster than the others. She went from having a rash to multiple bleeding wounds in only a couple of hours. It is possible that her increased heartrate, during her sexual encounter with Paul, rapidly increased the spread of the virus as it was coming out of its incubation stage.After discovering her own illness, by shaving the flesh from her legs, Marcy ran out of the cabin in a state of panic. As she left the cabin, she encountered the viscious dog, Dr.Mambo, that had been harassing the college students for a while. She ran from the dog, seeking shelter in the tool shed, but she was unable to open the lock in time. Marcy was mauled to death by the dog. Moments later, her remains were discovered by Paul, who had returned to the cabin. Marcy was the first one of the students to die. Show less «
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